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Sockets and Adapters

386 products

Showing 49 - 72 of 386 products
BGA73 mobile memory chip adapter for Sedum up818 up828
BGA56 nand flash memory IC Socket for Sedum up828 up818
UP-818 UP-828 BGA108 flash memory chip socket adapter
Save $19.01
SBGA137NP SBGA137 flash memory Test Socket for up818P up828P
Save $10.45
Sedum BAG107N mobile flash memory Test socket for up818P up828P
Specialized BGA107RN memory chip adapter for up818 up828
Specialized BGA127 memory ic socket for up818 up828
Save $10
SBGA165 mobile flash memory chip adapter for up818 up828
Save $5
BGA96 mobile flash memory socket for Sedum up818 up828
BGA60 flash memory chip socket for sedum up828 up818
SBGA137 SBGA137R memory chip adapter for up818 up828
Save $6
Specialized BGA85 adapter for mobile device flash memory
Specialized BGA149 flash memory socket for up818 up828
BGA144 mobile flash memory chip adapter for up818 up828
BGA84 mobile flash memory socket for Sedum up818 up828
Specialized BGA77 adapter for mobile device flash memory
Save $6
BGA167 mobile flash memory chip adapter for up818 up828
BGA115 mobile flash memory chip adapter for up818 up828
Specialized BGA71 nand flash memory socket for up818 up828
Specialized BGA93 flash memory adapter for up818 up828
Save $12.45
FBGA137 FBGA137P Test socket adapter for up818P UP828P
Save $8.95
Specialized BGA110 BGA110P Test socket adapter for UP818P UP828P
JingTian SBGA152P Test socket SBGA152 adapter for up828p up818
JingTian SBGA128P memory ic Socket Adapter for up-828P up818P

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